Complete End to End MLOPS
Training Program

This is 45 days online training program which offers a comprehensive understanding of MLOPS, covering a wide range of crucial topics. It includes real-world projects and live classes on weekends.

MLOPS Training with Projects

- What is MLOps & MLOps Motivation
- Solutions and Future Trends
- MLOps Components
- Different Roles in MLOps (ML Engineering + Operations)
- Machine Learning Life Cycle
- MLOps vs DevOps
- Major Phases in MLOps
- Different Tools for MLOps
- MLOps Maturity Model Levels
- MLOps - Stages Of CI/CD

- Why Linux? Linux Types?
- How to Access Linux Environment on Different Systems
- Free Tier Amazon EC2 Ubuntu Instance
- SSH and SSH Tools & Putty
- Filezilla & WinSCP
- Introduction to Shell, Bash Shell & Basic Linux Commands
- Help for Command Line
- Linux Core Concepts & Kernel Types
- Linux File System, Boot Sequence, Run Levels, File Types & Filesystem Hierarchy
- Package Management Introduction and Configuration
- Linux Type Based Package Manager (RPM, YUM, DPKG, APT)
- File Compression and Archival
- Searching for Files and Patterns using grep/wildcards
- VI, Nano Editor
- Security and File Permissions
- Linux Accounts, User Management, Access Control Files, Account Management
- File Permissions and Ownership, Cron Jobs
- Service Management with systemd
- Creating a systemd Service, systemd Tools
- Lab - systemd services
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

- What? Why? When? Type?
- Vendor? Pricing?
- Industry Uses of GIT
- Creation of GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket Account
- Local GitHub UI Installation, Setup with VSCode and Pycharm
- Local and Remote Repositories Installation and Configuration
- GIT Repository Initialization Commands: git log
- Git Branches - Branching in Git
- Master/main branch and user-defined branch
- Checkout and Pushing to a Branch, Merging of Branches
- Project Control and Management in Remote Repositories
- Initialization of Remote Repositories
- Pushing Code to Remote Repositories
- Cloning of Remote Repositories to Local
- PR (Pull Requests), Fetch and Pull
- Handling Conflict on Merging Branch
- Forking of Repository
- Rebasing, Resetting and Reverting, Stashing
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

- What is DVC?
- DVC Uses
- Installation on Mac OS, Windows & Linux
- Data Versioning, Model Versioning
- Data Access, Model Access & Data Pipelines
- Metrics, Parameters, Plots
- Run, Queue, Compare, Persisting, and Sharing Experiments
- Clean up, Versioning Data and Models, Sharing Data and Model Files
- Data Registries, Shared Development Server & Project Structure
- Setup Google Drive Remote, Large Dataset Optimization
- External Dependencies, Managing External Data
- Automate Pipelines with DVC
- Experiment Management with DVC
- Common Issues with ML Experiments
- Tracking Metrics and Plots & Compare Experiment Results
- CI/CD in Machine Learning, Build CI/CD Pipeline
- Install GitLab Runner, Trigger CI/CD Pipeline
- ML Pipeline with DVC
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

- Why DevOps?
- Dev-Test-Deploy, DevOps Principles
- DevOps Toolchain, Overview of DevOps Tools
- Correlation between Agile and DevOps
- Categories of DevOps Tools
- Containers Concepts, Container vs Virtual Machine
- Installing Docker on CentOS, Debian, and Windows
- Managing Container with Docker Commands
- Building Your Own Docker Images
- Docker Compose, Docker Registry - Docker Hub
- Networking Inside Single Docker Container
- Lab - Running Python Web App in Docker Container
- Lab - Create Docker Image from Git Repo
- Lab - Deploy Flask App using Docker-Compose
- Lab - Complex Deployment using Docker-Compose
- Lab - Creating Your Own Docker Registry
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

- Kubernetes Architecture and Cluster Installation
- Raft Consensus Algorithm
- Networking in Kubernetes
- Installing Minikube
- Objects in Kubernetes - Pod, Deployment
- Services - Service Discovery, Service Object, Headless Services, Service Type
- Role-based Access Control
- Volumes - Persistent Volumes, Persistent Volume Claim, Storage Class
- Config Map and Secrets
- Ingress - Virtual Host, Types, Fanout, Ingress Configuration
- Lab - Installing Minikube on EC2
- Lab - Enable and Access Dashboard Addon
- Lab - Deploy Flask Web App on Minikube
- Lab - Deploy Nginx App on Minikube
- Lab - Deploy Application with Host Type Volumes
- Lab - Create Elastic File System on AWS
- Lab - Deploy Nginx using PersistentVolume from AWS EFS
- Lab - Create AWS Storage Class Backed by EBS Storage
- Lab - Deploy Flask App as Daemon Set
- Lab - Run Kuard Pod to View Secret
- Lab - Access Flask App Without Service
- Lab - Access Flask App Through Service
- Lab - Deploy and Access Headless Service
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

- Introduction to Prometheus
- Prometheus Installation
- Introduction to Grafana
- Grafana Installation
- Integration of Prometheus and Grafana
- Adding Customised Dashboard in Grafana
- Introduction to Node Exporter
- Integrating Node Exporter for Monitoring
- Lab - Scrape Metric from Grafana
- Lab - View Node Exporter Metric in Grafana
- Lab - View Docker Metric in Grafana
- Lab - Import AWS EC2 Dashboard in Grafana
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

- Introduction to Jenkins
- Continuous Integration & CI with Jenkins
- Jenkins Architecture
- Installing Jenkins on EC2
- User Management
- Set up Jenkins Master & Slave
- Setup CI-CD Pipeline for Sample Project
- Lab - Setup Role-Based Access
- Lab - Master/Slave Setup
- Lab - Configure SCM in Jenkins
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

- MLFlow Installation
- MLFlow Tracking, Where Runs Are Recorded, How Runs and Artifacts Are Recorded
- MLFlow Scenarios (1-4)
- Logging Data to Runs
- Performance Tracking with Metrics
- Visualising Metrics
- Automatic Logging with MLFlow
- Organising Runs in Experiments
- Managing Experiments and Runs with the Tracking Service API
- Tracking UI
- Querying Runs Programmatically
- MLFlow Tracking Servers
- MLFlow Projects and Workflows
- MLFlow Models and Deployment Tools
- Model Registry and Workflows
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

- Data Ingestion using TFX
- Data Validation using TFDV
- Data Preprocessing using TFT
- Model Training, Model Analysis & Evaluation using TFX
- Model Deployment using TF Serving
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

KubeFlow (Model Version Control & ML Pipeline)

- What is Kubeflow?
- Core Kubeflow Components
- Setting Up Kubeflow on Kubernetes
- Developing Basic ML Models in Kubeflow Notebooks
- Training and Deploying Models in Kubeflow
- Using Kubeflow Pipelines
- Using KFServing to Deploy Models
- Managing Logs with Kubeflow Metadata Component
- Katib Hyperparameter Tuning
- Kubeflow Pipelines to KFServing
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

- AWS S3 Storage
- GitLab CI/CD Pipelines
- Pipelines Definition
- MongoDB Cloud Atlas
- Heroku
- Logdata
- Coral for Monitoring
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

- Amazon S3
- AWS CodeBuild
- AWS CodeCommit
- SageMaker Training Job
- SageMaker Endpoint
- Amazon API Gateway
- SageMaker Model Monitoring
- CloudWatch Synthetics
- CloudWatch Alarm
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

- Set Up a New Project in Azure DevOps
- Import Existing YAML Pipeline to Azure DevOps
- Declare Variables for CI/CD Pipeline
- Create Training Compute
- Train ML Model
- Register Model
- Deploy Model in AKS
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

- Google Cloud Compute Engine
- Google Cloud Functions
- Google Cloud Run
- Google Cloud AI Platform
- Google Cloud Deployment Manager
- Google Cloud Load Balancing
- Google Cloud Pub/Sub
- Google Cloud Container Registry
- Google Cloud Dataflow
- Google Cloud BigQuery
- Google Cloud TensorFlow Models
- Assignment & Assignment Solution

  • Introduction to MLOPS
  • Data Management and Versioning
  • Experimentation and Model Development
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment
  • Model Serving and Deployment
  • Containerization and Orchestration
  • Monitoring and Logging
  • Model Maintenance and Retraining
  • Infrastructure and Resource Management
  • Security and Compliance

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