In this blog, we’ll explore how to perform text data cleaning in Power BI. With simple techniques and practical tips, you’ll ensure your data is accurate, consistent, and ready for analysis. It contains following things such as
- Convert Text to lowercase
- Removing URLs from the text
- Remove User Mentions from the text
- Remove Emoji from the text
- Extract hashtags and make the bar plot in order to find out the insights from the data.
- Replace contraction word with their full forms
Dataset description
The dataset contains the information about the tweets such as ID and the tweet. You can download the dataset from here.
Steps to perform Text data cleaning in PowerBI
Step 1. Open Power BI Desktop

Step 2. Click on Get Data to select Text/CSV in Home tab

Step 3. Browse csv file and hit Open

Step 4. A window will open to Transform Data and Load, click on Load

Now, let’s dive into different Number functions:
1- Convert Text to lowercase:
Step 1. Go to Home tab
Step 2. Click on Transform data and select Transform data

Step 3. Select Tweet Column

Step 4. Go to Transform tab, click on Format and select lowercase

Step 5. Go to Home tab and click on Close & Apply

2- Remove URLs:
Step 1. Go to Home tab
Step 2. Click on Transform data and select Transform data

Step 3. Go to Add Column tab
Step 4. Select Custom Column and fill the following:

Step5. Click on OK
Step 6. Go to Home tab and click on Close & Apply

3- Remove User Mentions:
Step 1. Go to Home tab
Step 2. Click on Transform data and select Transform data

Step 3. Go to Add Column tab
Step 4. Select Custom Column and fill the following:

Step5. Click on OK
Step 6. Go to Home tab and click on Close & Apply

4- Remove Emoji:
Step 1. Go to Home tab
Step 2. Click on Transform data and select Transform data

Step 3. Go to Home tab, Select Advanced Editor
Step 4. Type the following in Editor :

Step 5. Click on Done
5- Extract hashtags and make bar plot:
Step 1. Go to Home tab
Step 2. Click on Transform data and select Transform data

Step 3. Go to Add Column tab
Step 4. Select Custom Column and fill the following:

Step5. Click on OK
Step 6. Go to Home tab and click on Close & Apply

Step 7. Select Stacked bar chart and fill the fields with following:

6- Replace contraction word with their full forms:
Step 1. Go to Home tab
Step 2. Click on Transform data and select Transform data
Step 3. Go to Add Column tab
Step 4. Select Custom Column and fill the following:

ReplaceShortForms = (text as text, replacements as list) as text =>
ReplaceFunction = (currentText, replacement) =>
Text.Replace(currentText, replacement[ShortForm], replacement[LongForm]),
Result = List.Accumulate(replacements, text, ReplaceFunction)
ReplacementList = {
[ShortForm = "IDK", LongForm = "I do not know"],
[ShortForm = "don't", LongForm = "do not"],
[ShortForm = "isn't", LongForm = "is not"]
ReplaceShortForms([Tweet], ReplacementList)
Step5. Click on OK
Step 6. Go to Home tab and click on Close & Apply.
In this blog we have learned about how to perform various text data cleaning steps in PowerBI such as converting text to lowercase, removing emojis and URLs from the text, extracting hashtags analyzing it and replace the contraction words in the test with their full forms.
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