We’re happy you’re here to read our blog post on “Mastering Stochastic Gradient Descent and its implementation in Python”
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) emerges as a go-to approach in the field of machine learning for dealing with complicated models and large datasets. By utilizing smaller chunks of training data, referred to as mini-batches, SGD, acting as a dynamic form of gradient descent, allows us to optimize model parameters.
In this thorough work, we dig into the world of Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python, explaining its importance in machine learning and illuminating essential ideas related to this powerful algorithm. Join us as we examine SGD’s inner workings and all the benefits it provides for training models with unparalleled effectiveness.
I. Introduction to Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python
This section provides an introduction of the stochastic gradient model, introducing it as an optimization process and highlighting its significance in machine learning. SGD is an optimization approach that’s frequently used in machine learning to train models. It works best when working with big data subsets. Before going on to SGD, let’s first comprehend the idea of an optimization algorithm so that we may have a thorough understanding of SGD.
A. Brief overview of optimization algorithms
The optimization method is a key idea in deep learning and machine learning, and it is used by adjusting model parameters to maximize the objective function and minimize the loss function. The optimization algorithm is a procedure for finding the optimal solution to a problem and is used for optimizing a function to maximize or minimize an objective and for adjusting the parameters of a model. In this case, an objective function refers to a loss function used for measuring the discrepancy between the predicted outputs of the model and its true values or it may be any other function that needs optimization. These algorithms iterate through different sets of parameters to evaluate the objective function at each step for updating the parameters based on specific rules. Choosing an appropriate optimization algorithm is dependent on factors like the characteristics of the problem, computational resources, and availability of gradient information. Some of the common optimization algorithms include Adam, Gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, LBFGS, conjugate gradient, and evolutionary algorithms.
B. Introduce Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python
Stochastic gradient descent is an optimization algorithm that is beneficial in machine learning tasks while dealing with large datasets as it updates the model’s parameters through consideration of a small subset of training data rather than the entire dataset. The algorithm works through the following steps:
- Initialization of parameters of the model through random values.
- Shuffling of the training dataset randomly.
- Then dividing the shuffled dataset into mini-batches which are smaller parts of the dataset.
- For each subset or mini-batch, compute predicted output through current parameter values. Then calculate the gradient of loss function w.r.t parameter and update the parameters by subtracting a fraction of the gradient multiplied by the learning rate.
- Repeat the above step for a certain number of epochs.
SGD introduces randomness into the optimization algorithm as it updates the parameters after every mini-batch rather than the entire dataset. This randomness in the process helps SGD escape the shallow local minima and helps reach better solutions. SGD provides several advantages such as efficiency, scalability, stochasticity, and online learning scenarios for new data to arrive at. However, it has some limitations such as noisy updates, hyperparameter sensitivity, and lack of global view which needs improvements. There are several extensions and optimization technologies which help improve SGD’s performance such as adaptive learning rates like Adam, learning rate schedules, and momentum.
C. Importance of SGD in machine learning and deep learning
Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python is a very important model in machine learning and deep learning which offers a lot of benefits in training models. Here are some of the reasons which justify that SGD is important in this field.
- Computational speed: SGD is computationally fast for updating parameters more frequently as compared to batch optimization algorithms. This accelerated speed helps the model to converge faster and one iteration of SGD requires only one subset of data that makes it computationally efficient for complex models having multiple parameters.
- Efficient with large datasets: SGD is very valuable while working with large datasets as large datasets don’t fit into the memory and through updating of model parameters using small mini-batches or even individual samples, SGD reduces the computational requirements as compared to other optimization algorithms and enables efficient training of models.
- Generalization and tolerance capacity of noise in the dataset: SGD introduces random sampling mini-batches due to its stochastic nature which adds noise to parameter updates. This helps in the optimization process to escape shallow local minima and avoids overfitting. Thus, it improves the generalization ability of the model.
- Learning through online data: SGD is good for online learning scenarios where new data arrives continuously and enables incremental model updates through the incorporation of new examples in the training process without retraining the entire dataset.
- Scalability: SGD’s ability to handle large datasets makes it more efficient and highly scalable. This enables training models on distributed systems to process data simultaneously.
- Model interpretability: The iterative nature of SGD provides a clear trace of the optimization process and observing the changes of model parameters over the iterations helps to gain insights about the learning rate of the model and understanding the relationship between input features and predictions.
- Parameter space exploration: The randomness of SGD allows the model to explore different regions of parameter space during the optimization and through traversing various solutions, SGD can discover better optima than the deterministic optimization algorithms.
SGD is popular due to the multiple benefits it provides but it also comes with challenges that need to be considered for better results. The mini-batch size, learning rate, and convergence behavior of SGD need to be tuned carefully and the noisy updates of SGD introduce instability that can be handled through techniques like learning rate decay, adaptive learning rate, and momentum to enhance performance.
II. Understanding Gradient Descent
This section introduces gradient descent for our familiarity with the SGD. As we know that SGD is a part of the gradient descent algorithms, it is important to learn and understand the concepts of gradient descent in more detail. This section introduces different concepts such as loss function and variations of gradient descent to understand it more clearly.
A. The concept of loss functions
The loss function is also known as the cost function or objective function in machine learning and optimization algorithms which is used for measuring how well a model performs on a certain task. The loss function quantifies the discrepancy between the predicted output of the model and desired output. The goal of the loss function is to provide a quantitative measure of the error or cost associated with the predictions of the model and through optimizing the model parameters the cost can be minimized and the model’s performance can be improved.
Choosing a loss function is dependent on the problem’s nature and the form of the task being performed as different machine learning tasks require different types of loss functions. Some of the well-known loss functions are:
- Mean Squared Error (MSE): The MSE is a common loss function that can be used for regression problems and computes the average squared difference among the predicted and true values. Reducing the MSE value to the minimum gets us the parameters leading to the smallest squared error.
- Cross entropy loss: It is used for classification problems and measures the dissimilarity among the predicted and true distribution of classes. The incorrect predictions are penalized more which encourages the model to assign high probabilities for the correct class.
- Binary cross entropy loss: It is similar to cross entropy and used for binary classification problems which measure the difference between predicted probability of positive class and true for each subset.
- Categorical cross-entropy loss: It calculates the dissimilarity between the predicted class probabilities and true class labels and is used for multi-class classification problems.
- Hinge loss: Its goal is to maximize the margin between classes through penalizing misclassified datasets and is used in the SVM classifier.
- Kullback Leibler divergence: It is a measure of dissimilarity among two probability distributions and is used in generative modeling where the aim is to match predicted distribution to true distribution.
It is therefore important to choose a suitable loss function depending on the problem, the type of output required and the properties needed for making the predictions. Different loss functions lead to different solutions and provide implications for the behavior and performance of the models. Thus, choosing an appropriate loss function is very important for machine learning enthusiasts.
B. Gradient Descent algorithm
The gradient descent is an optimization algorithm that is commonly used for minimizing a loss function and iteratively updates model parameters in the direction of the negative gradient of the loss function. This aims to find an optimal set of parameters for minimizing the loss. To perform modeling this algorithm follows some important steps which are:
- First, we initialize the model parameters with predefined or random values.
- Then the gradient of the loss function is computed w.r.t parameters where the gradient represents the direction of the steepest ascent. Thus we need to take the negative of this for moving in the direction of the steepest descent.
- Now we update the parameters by subtracting a fraction of the gradient which is multiplied by the learning rate. The learning rate is determined by the step size of parameter updates and is crucial for balancing the convergence speed and stability.
- Steps 2 and 3 need to be repeated until convergence or for a specified number of iterations.
The main idea behind the gradient descent model is to iteratively update the parameters in the direction of the negative gradient and move closer to the optimal parameter values for minimizing the loss function. The learning rate of the model controls the size of steps being taken through the parameter updates. The smaller learning rate results in smaller steps with slower convergence and a larger learning rate causes instability and overshooting. Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm that is iterative and can handle complex models and large datasets easily. However, the gradient descent model is sensitive to learning rate and it’s crucial to choose an appropriate learning rate so that convergence occurs. Moreover, the gradient descent converges to the local minimum rather than the global minimum depending on the shape of the objective function. Advanced optimization techniques such as momentum, adaptive learning rate, and learning rate schedules can be applied to improve convergence speed and other areas of the model.
C. Variants of Gradient Descent
There are three important variants of Gradient descent algorithms which are briefly discussed here:
- Batch Gradient Descent: The entire training dataset is used in batch gradient descent for computing the gradient and updating parameters in each descent. The batch gradient descent provides a precise estimate of the gradient and is computationally expensive for large datasets. It calculates the gradient using the entire training dataset at once and provides advantages such as more stable convergence and precise estimate of gradient which results in a more reliable optimization process. The limitations of batch gradient descent include high computational cost, high memory requirements, lack of parallelism, and the possibility of convergence to the suboptimal solutions.
- Mini-Batch Gradient Descent: The mini-batch gradient descent computes gradient using a small random subset of training data thus balancing the efficiency of SGD with the stability of batch gradient descent. It is a compromise between the batch and stochastic gradient descent models. the advantages of using mini-batch include computational efficiency, convergence stability, and better generalization. Choosing a small mini-batch size introduces more noise to the gradient estimate and allows frequent parameter updates.
- Stochastic Gradient Descent: The stochastic gradient descent model or SGD updates the parameters based on randomly selected subsets of data or mini-batches training data. SGD is computationally efficient and converges faster than batch gradient descent, but the updates might be noisy due to the randomness of mini-batches. The advantages of SGD are computationally efficient, high convergence speed, and better generalization ability. However, the limitations of the model include noisy updates and learning rate sensitivity.
III. Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python
The stochastic gradient descent is an efficient optimization algorithm that minimizes the loss function and provides multiple advantages over several other machine learning algorithms. We have already provided a detailed introduction of the SGD model, therefore let us discuss some of the remaining terms and concepts with the advantages and limitations of SGD that will help us get more familiar with SGD.
A. Key concepts of Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python
The stochastic gradient descent or SGD is a key optimization algorithm in machine learning and deep learning which is built on the concepts of gradient descent and introduces some key concepts that make it very useful in practice. Some of the key concepts of SGD that make it very useful with SGD are:
- Learning rate: It determines the step size of parameter updates and controls the magnitude of changes made to parameters based on the estimated gradient. The smaller learning rate results in smaller steps with slower convergence and a larger learning rate causes instability and overshooting.
- Mini-batches: SGD particularly operates on mini-batches rather than individual training datasets. it is a small subset of data that contains a part of the training dataset and provides a compromise efficiency of SGD and stability of the batch gradient descent model. This helps in reducing the variance of parameter updates allowing efficient parallelization.
- Stochasticity: SGD introduces stochasticity which estimates gradient through a single randomly selected mini-batch and adds randomness to parameter updates which provide faster exploration of parameter space.
- Stopping and convergence criteria: Stopping criteria of SGD determines when to stop the process of optimization and is common for the maximum number of epochs that achieve a desired level of performance or observe the negligible improvement of the loss function. The SGD’s convergence is determined through a reduction in the value of the loss function or improvement of the model’s performance over the epochs.
- Epochs: An epoch refers to a complete pass through the entire training dataset and the algorithm processes each mini-batch once to update model parameters accordingly. Multiple epochs are performed for improving the model’s convergence and ensure that parameters are updated sufficiently.
These key concepts are very important for the performance of SGD which makes it a powerful and efficient optimization algorithm and introduces randomness on mini-batches that helps SGD handle large-scale datasets and accelerates the convergence of the model. The learning rate controls the trade-off between the convergence speed and stability of the model which allows for iterative refinement of the model’s parameters and improves the performance of the model.
B. Advantages and disadvantages of Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python
SGD offers several advantages and disadvantages as compared to other optimization algorithms and this section discusses the advantages and limitations of the SGD model. The advantages of using the Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python are:
- Faster convergence: SGD introduces randomness which allows for faster exploration of the parameter space and helps the model escape shallow local minima and finds better optima of the model. SGD updates provide implicit regularization leading to faster convergence.
- Computational efficiency: SGD is computationally more efficient as compared to batch gradient as it processes only one mini-batch at a time, making it useful for dealing with large datasets in which processing the entire dataset in each iteration will be impractical.
- Memory efficiency: SGD needs less memory as compared to others as it stores a single mini-batch in memory at a time making it suitable for scenarios with limited memory.
- Generalization ability: SGD leads to better generalization as it updates the parameters based on gradient estimates of a single training example and the inherent randomness of the model prevents the model from overfitting which makes it less resilient to noises and outliers.
The limitations of the Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python are:
- Noisy updates and high variance: As SGD estimates gradient through mini-batches, the updates are noisy and have high variance which introduces oscillations during the optimization process and slows down the convergence rate.
- Lack of deterministic convergence: SGD doesn’t guarantee deterministic convergence to a global minimum and due to mini-batch the algorithm converges to different solutions every time it runs.
- Sensitivity to learning rate: Selection of an appropriate learning rate is important for SGD and a smaller learning rate results in smaller steps with slower convergence and a larger learning rate causes instability and overshooting. Tuning the learning rate helps us achieve good performance.
- Difficulty in handling the sparse data: SGD struggles with sparse data in cases where mini-batches have a low signal-to-noise ratio and the sparse updates are based on individual examples that lead to slow convergence and suboptimal performance. Techniques such as the adaptive learning rate method help alleviate the issue.
Thus, SGD offers a lot of advantages in terms of computational efficiency and faster convergence but introduces some limitations. However, SGD remains a popular optimization algorithm in machine learning and deep learning applications.
C. Learning rate and its importance
The learning rate in SGD is an important hyperparameter that determines the step size of parameters of the models being updated during the optimization. The importance of the learning rate can be understood through these applications:
- Stability: Learning rate helps maintain stability during optimization which ensures that updates of model parameters are not excessively large and prevents oscillations. Controlling the magnitude of updates to the learning rate will help us achieve a smooth and stable convergence.
- Convergence: The step size of parameter updates is decided through the learning rate and it helps the optimization algorithm to converge with optimal solution. A smaller learning rate results in smaller steps with slower convergence leading to being stuck in suboptimal solutions and a larger learning rate causes instability and overshooting
- The trade-off between speed and accuracy: The learning rate determines the balance between convergence speed and accuracy of the solution where a higher learning rate allows larger updates with faster convergence, sacrificing the accuracy and risks of overshooting.
- Robustness to noise and outliers: Choosing a suitable learning rate helps handle noisy data and outliers more effectively and allows the algorithm to adapt to variations in data and prevents overfitting to specific instances. The optimization of the learning rate helps generalize the model better and avoids over-reliance on the data.
Thus, the learning rate is a very important hyperparameter affecting the convergence speed, accuracy, and stability of the SGD model.
D. Learning rate scheduling strategies
Learning rate scheduling is an important thing that helps with strategies to choose an appropriate learning rate. It is also called Learning rate decay or Learning rate annealing and is the practice of adjusting the learning rate during training.. the goal is to improve the convergence and performance of optimization models like SGD. Some of the common Learning rate scheduling strategies are:
- Step decay: It includes the reduction of the learning rate through a fixed factor after a post-certain number of epochs and allows larger updates in the initial stages as progress in training.
- Fixed learning rate: The Learning rate remains constant throughout the training process which sounds simple but is not optimal as it is not suitable for all stages of training.
- Exponential decay: It reduces the learning rate exponentially over time and the learning rate decreases exponentially with each epoch allowing for a faster reduction of the learning rate in the initial stages which is followed by a slower decrease in training progress.
- Time-based decay: The learning rate is decreased at regular intervals based on a predefined schedule where the learning rate decreases by a fixed fraction at each interval.
- Performance-based decay: This strategy involves adjusting the learning rate on the performance of the model and the learning rate is reduced when performance improvement falls below a certain threshold which helps the model in making smaller adjustments while it is close to convergence.
Choosing a Learning rate scheduling strategy is dependent on the problem and architecture of the model which requires experimentation and validation for determining the best approach. Some frameworks or libraries provide built-in rate schedulers which makes it easy for us to implement and experiment with different strategies.
Application of Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python

Implementation of recommender system using Stochastic Gradient Descent in Python
Dataset collection– The data is collected from the Kaggle platform. It contains recommendations of drugs based on various types of disease.
Link- https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/subhajournal/drug-recommendations
The stochastic gradient descent code is given down below.
This blog is structured in a way to provides a theoretical overview of the stochastic gradient descent model. The focus is to retain familiarity with the key concepts of SGD along with an overview of the Gradient descent and optimization algorithms. This blog tries to fulfill all the theoretical knowledge required for working with SGD along with its advantages and limitations. This blog will help data scientists work efficiently with SGD through a thorough understanding of SGD concepts.
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