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How to create Lollipop Chart in Tableau


In this blog you will learn about how to Create Lollipop Chart in Tableau. A lollipop chart is a type of bar chart that uses lines and points to display data, resembling lollipops with the “sticks” as lines and the “candies” as points. This chart is great for showing and comparing different data points in different categories. It combines elements of a bar chart and a scatter plot, making it visually appealing and easy to understand.

Components of Lollipop Chart in Tableau:

  • Axis: Usually horizontal, this shows the data values.
  • Lines: Each data point has a thin, straight line extending from the axis.
  • Points: A point or circle at the end of each line shows the actual data values.
  • Categories: These are usually displayed on the vertical axis (if the chart is horizontal) or the horizontal axis (if the chart is vertical).
  • Labels: They indicate the exact data values ​​or provide additional context, placed near the points or along the axis.
  • Colors: Different colors can distinguish between categories or highlight specific data points, adding depth and visual interest.

Use Case of Lollipop Chart in Tableau:

  • Sales performance: Compare sales figures across regions, products or sales representatives to see who is performing well or poorly.
  • Survey results: Visualize survey results across categories or demographic groups to identify common or notable responses.
  • Financial analysis: Compare financial metrics such as revenue, profit or expenses across departments or time periods.
  • Project management: Track progress across tasks or milestones, highlighting completion status and any delays.
  • Marketing metrics: Compare the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, channels or strategies.
  • Product comparisons: Display how different products compare based on features, ratings or prices.
  • Academic research: Present data from experiments or studies, making it easy to compare results across different conditions or variables.

Dataset description

The dataset has information about sales of products with six attributes: Category, Product, Quantity, Unit Price, Total Price, and Profit. This gives information about how well different things are doing and how profitable they are. You can download the dataset from here.

Steps to create Lollipop Chart in Tableau

Step 1: Open Tableau

Step 2: Click on Text file to connect with Tableau

Step 3: Browse csv file (or other file format as your need) and click on Open

Step 4: Click on Sheet 1 (Worksheet) to make visual (Doughnut)

Step 5: Drag Region to Columns and Sales to Rows

Step 6: Drag SUM(Sales) to right side by holding ctrl

Step 7: Right click over SUM(Sales) and select Dual Axis

Step 8: Click on Standard and select Entire View

Step 9: Click on SUM(Sales); click on Automatic dropdown and select Bar

Step 10: Click on Size under Marks card and drag the mark to increase/decrease size of bar

Step 11: Click on Color under Marks card and select color for bar

Step 12: Click on SUM(Sales) (2); drag Sales over Size under Marks card

Step 13: Click on Size and drag the mark to increase/decrease size for circle

Step 14: Drag SUM(Sales) over Label by holding ctrl

Step 15: Click on Color to select color for Circle

Step 16: Click on Label and select Middle (Alignment) in Vertical

Step 17: click on option (); Type `Total Sales` make it bold and give size it 12



Lollipop charts are a powerful way to visualize data, combining the convenience of bar charts with the clarity of scatter plots. They’re perfect for comparing different data tables, illustrating trends, and drawing attention to key highlights. By following the steps above, you can create and customize lollipop charts in Tableau, making it easy to illustrate your findings and communicate them effectively.

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