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How to create an AWS EC2 instances


In this blog, you will learn about how to create an AWS EC2 instances from start to finish. AWS (Amazon Web Services) EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is a key service that allows users to rent virtual servers, known as instances, to run applications on the AWS infrastructure.

We will cover everything from setting up your AWS account, selecting the right instance type, configuring security settings, and connecting to your instance. By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to deploy and manage your virtual servers in the cloud efficiently.

Introduction to Elastic Compute Cloud

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a core service of Amazon Web Services (AWS) that provides scalable computing capacity in the cloud. EC2 allows users to launch virtual servers, known as instances, on-demand, providing flexibility to scale resources up or down based on their needs.

Users can choose from a variety of instance types tailored to different workloads, configure security settings, and select preferred storage options.

EC2’s pay-as-you-go pricing model ensures cost efficiency, making it an ideal solution for developers, businesses, and enterprises looking to run applications, manage data, and perform complex computations without investing in physical hardware.

Real world Applications of Elastic Compute Cloud

Web Hosting: Deploy scalable websites and web applications, accommodating traffic fluctuations without hardware investments.

Big Data Processing: Run large-scale data analysis and processing tasks using frameworks like Hadoop and Spark.

Machine Learning: Train and deploy machine learning models, leveraging EC2’s computational power for complex algorithms.

DevOps: Implement continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, automating software development and deployment processes.

Disaster Recovery: Create backup environments for disaster recovery, ensuring business continuity in case of data center failures.

Application Testing: Set up testing environments to run application tests across different operating systems and configurations.

Content Delivery: Serve content globally by deploying EC2 instances in various geographic regions for faster load times.

Steps to create an AWS EC2 instances

First of all you will login to AWS Management console.

Search for EC2 in Search bar

Next in Instances, click on Launch instance.

Next, give your instance a name

Then select your AMI (Amazon Machine Image). In my case, i am selecting Linux server.

The next step is to choose the instance type, In my case, I am selecting t2.micro which is available in free tier for 1 years. Also you have to create new key pair,

Give your key pair a name. Select the Key pair types as RSA and the .ppk is private key file format. Next click on create key pair. A file will be get downloaded which is used to securely access your EC2 instance. This private key file is essential for SSH (Secure Shell) access, allowing you to authenticate and connect to your instance remotely.

The next step is to configure the network settings it is important because it ensure that your EC2 instance operates securely and efficiently within your AWS environment.

You have to click on Security security group and select Allow SSH traffic from anywhere.

After that configure the storage and click on Launch instance.

Now you have successfully created an EC2 instances.

You can see the status by clicking on the instances.

Steps to Stop and terminate an AWS EC2 instances

In order to stop and terminate an EC2 instances, You have to click on actions and click on stop and then click on terminate instances.


In conclusion, launching an EC2 instance involves crucial steps, from key pair creation to network configuration, ensuring secure, scalable, and efficient cloud computing tailored to your needs.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Michael

    it is amazing that you are posting blog of aws on every single topic.

  2. Ajay

    thanks for helping me out.

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