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Access Keys Management in IAM


In this blog, you will learn about Access Keys Management in IAM. Explore how ChatGPT guides you through best practices for secure access key management in AWS Identity and Access Management.

What is Access Keys Management in IAM

  • Access Keys Management in IAM refers to the process of creating, managing, and securing access keys used for programmatic access to AWS services.
  • IAM allows users to generate access keys (consisting of an access key ID and a secret access key) for accessing AWS resources via APIs, SDKs, or command line tools.
  • Proper management of access keys involves ensuring they are rotated regularly, securely stored, and only granted necessary permissions to reduce the risk of unauthorized access or misuse.

Steps to implement Access Keys Management in IAM

  • First of all you have to login into AWS Management console.
  • Search for IAM
  • Click on user and create a user. You can learn about this in our previous blog.

Click on Create access key.

There are five options give to you. You have to select the first one.

Use CaseDescription
CLIUse when accessing AWS resources via the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) on your local machine.
Local CodeUse when enabling application code in a local development environment to access AWS resources.
Application on AWS ComputeUse when enabling application code running on an AWS compute service like EC2, ECS, or Lambda to access AWS.
Third-party ServiceUse when enabling access for a third-party application or service that monitors or manages your AWS resources.
Application Outside AWSUse when authenticating workloads running outside AWS, such as in your data center or other infrastructure.
OtherUse when your specific use case does not fit into any of the listed categories.

After that click on Next.

Give the description tag values and click on Create access key.

You can download the credential as a CSV files. And click on done.


In conclusion, effective management of access keys in IAM is vital for maintaining security and controlling access to AWS resources. By following best practices and regularly auditing access keys, organizations can minimize the risk of unauthorized access and protect their sensitive data.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Phillip

    Precise and clear

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