In this blog, we’ll learn how to Create 100% Stacked Column Chart in PowerBI. Firstly, we have to understand what is it and when should we use it.
Introduction to 100% stacked column chart in PowerBI
A 100% stacked column chart displays the relative percentage contribution of categories to a total across multiple groups, stacking categories on top of each other to reach 100%.
It is use to compare the composition of different groups, emphasizing the proportion of each category rather than absolute values.

Dataset Description
We will use a supermarket sales dataset in this blog post. This dataset has information about transactions such as the invoice ID, branch, city, customer type, gender, product line, unit price, quantity, tax, total amount, sale date and time, payment mode, cost of goods sold (COGS), gross margin percentage, gross income, and buy rating. This dataset gives you a lot of information about sales events, which makes it perfect for making a clustered bar chart.
You can access the dataset here.
Invoice ID | Unique Identifier for each Invoice |
Branch | There are four branch Site |
City | City where transactions occurred |
Customer Type | Type of Customer – Member or Normal |
Gender | Gender – Male, Female |
Product Line | Type of Product |
Unit Price | Price of a Single Unit of Product |
Quantity | Total Quantity of Product Sell in a Single Purchase |
Tax 5% | 5% of Tax on Cost of Goods Sold |
Total | Total Amount of Items without Tax |
Date | Date of Sale |
Time | Time of Sale |
Payment | Mode of Payment |
COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) | Total Amount of Items with Tax |
Gross Margin Percentage | Total Profit in Percentage |
Gross Income | Total Profit |
Rating | Raing of the purchase in range of 1-10 |
Data Sample:

Procedure to Create 100% Stacked Column Chart in PowerBI
Step1: Open your PowerBI Desktop on your Device
Step2: Click on Get Data button in Home Ribbon and select Text/CSV.

Step3: Open Prompt box will be open to select your text or csv file.

Step4: After selection of dataset, It will pop up a window for Load OR Transform Data. Click on Load to use data on PowerBI.

Step5: In the following picture, data has been loaded successfully.

Step6: Select 100% Stacked Column Chart from Visualizations Section (Right Hand Side).

Step7: Here, we’ll put the following data (from supermarket_sales) in different fields:
X-axis | Payment |
Y-axis | Quantity (Sum of Quantity) |
Legend | Customer type |
After that you have to click on format your visual. Go to the General click on turn on visual border and the shadow. In the Visual border make the rounded corner of 15 px. After that Go to Visuals and turn on the data labels.

What the Chart indicating:
It can be seen from the 100% stacked column chart that members and regular users like different ways to pay. Members slightly prefer cash and e-wallets to credit cards; 53.32% and 52.54% of payments are made with cash and e-wallets, respectively. Credit cards are the most popular method of payment for normal people, making up 58.19% of all purchases. Cash and e-wallets are almost equally popular, with 46.68% and 47.46% of all purchases made using these methods.
With a 100% Stacked column chart, we can view our categorical and numeric data as column with in proportion of % and create a Stacked on existing column of another categorical or numeric data. We can get the details of each bar by moving the cursor over the column and show much details using tooltip field.
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