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Markov decision process


Imagine you’re playing a video game where you control a character moving through different levels. A Markov Decision Process (MDP) is like a set of rules for that game. It helps the character decide what to do next based on where they are and what’s happening around them.

  • Game Rules: Just like how you follow rules in a game, MDP helps the character make decisions in a game world.
  • Decisions: MDP tells the character what actions to take, like moving left or right, jumping, or attacking enemies.
  • Environment: It’s like the game world itself—the MDP considers everything around the character, like obstacles, enemies, and rewards.
  • Optimal Choices: MDP helps the character figure out the best moves to make, so they can progress through the game and win.

This article discusses the core concepts of MDPs, components of MDPs, algorithms for solving them, and real-world applications of MDPs.

Important things about Markov decision Process

  • The Markov decision process is used in scenarios where the results are either controlled by the decision maker or are random.  It evaluates which decisions the decision maker must make considering the current state and environment of the system.
  • It incorporates variables like the environment, agent actions, and rewards.
  • MDPs are classified into four types: finite, infinite, continuous, or discrete, based on multiple factors such as decision-making frequency, sets of actions, and available states.
  • Developed in the 1950s, it was named after mathematician Andrey Markov.
  • MDPs were known to deal with issues concerning inventory management, queueing optimization, and routing matters.
  • Widely used in robotics, manufacturing, automatic control, and AI.
  • Models sequential decision-making in probabilistic environments, aiding the design of intelligent agents operating in uncertain conditions.

How does the Markov Decision Process work?

The MDP model works by utilizing key elements like agents, states, actions, rewards, and optimal policies. These components of MDPs are building blocks that are used collectively to define the structure and dynamics of a decision-making problem. The components of an MDP are:

  1. States (S): Different situations or configurations the system can be in. Denoted by S, representing physical locations, situations, or system states.
  2. Actions (A): Decisions or moves the decision-maker can take. Denoted by A, like buying/selling, moving directions, or medical treatments. Available actions may vary based on the current state.
  3. Transition Model (T): Probability of transitioning from one state to another after taking a specific action. Defined as T(s, a, s’), capturing the system’s dynamics and stochastic nature.
  4. Rewards (R): Immediate benefit or cost received when transitioning between states with a specific action. Denoted by R, quantifying the immediate outcome of an action.
  5. Policy (π): Rule or strategy guiding the decision-maker to choose actions based on the current state. Denoted by π, mapping states to actions. The optimal policy maximizes cumulative rewards over time.

The policy and value function

  • Policy: It’s like a set of rules that helps the agent decide what to do next based on where it is. The goal is to get the most reward possible.
  • Discounted Factor (γ): This helps the agent decide between immediate rewards and long-term rewards. A lower value means it cares more about immediate rewards, while a higher value means it looks more at long-term gains.
  • Value Function (V(s)): It’s a way to figure out how good it is to be in a certain situation. It considers the reward of where the agent is now and the rewards it might get in the future.

V (s) = Reward of current state + Discounted reward value of next state

  • Bellman’s Equation: It’s like a math rule that helps the agent calculate how good a situation is by considering the rewards of where it is now and where it might go next.

V(s)=Reward of current state + γ × Value of next state

  • Optimal Policy: This is like the best set of rules for the agent to follow. It’s based on what’s best for the agent right now and can be found by looking at the best possible values for each situation.
  • Finding Optimal Policy: There are different ways to find the best rules for the agent, like trying different strategies and seeing which one gives the most rewards, or using mathematical methods like value iteration or q-learning.

Explaining with the help of a Mathematical example

Let’s consider a simplified example where a robot is navigating through a grid-world with three states: A, B, and C. Each state has associated rewards, and the robot can take actions to move between states.

Policy: Suppose the robot follows the following policy:

  • At state A: Move right
  • At state B: Move up
  • At state C: Move left
  • This policy guides the robot’s actions based on its current state.

Discounted Factor (𝛾):

  • Let’s set 𝛾=0.9γ=0.9, indicating that the robot values long-term rewards but still considers immediate rewards.

Value Function (V(s)):

  • We assign initial values to each state:
    • V(A)=0
    • V(B)=0
    • V(C)=0
  • These values represent how good it is to be in each state initially.

Bellman’s Equation:

  • Using Bellman’s equation, we update the value function iteratively:
    • V(A)=0+0.9×V(B)
    • V(B)=0+0.9×V(A)
    • V(C)=0+0.9×V(B)
  • We repeat this process until the values converge.

Optimal Policy:

  • Once the values converge, we determine the optimal policy by choosing the action that leads to the state with the highest value.
    • If V(B)>V(A), the optimal action at state A would be to move right.
    • If V(B)>V(C), the optimal action at state C would be to move left.
    • If V(A)>V(B), the optimal action at state B would be to move down.
  • These actions constitute the optimal policy for the robot to maximize its rewards.

Finding Optimal Policy:

  • We can use iterative methods like value iteration or q-learning to update the value function and policy until convergence, ensuring that the robot follows the best set of rules to maximize its cumulative rewards over time.

Solving Markov Decision Processes

There are some methods which are used to solve the markov decision process

  1. Dynamic Programming:
    • Imagine you’re trying to solve a puzzle by trying different moves and seeing which one works best. Value iteration and policy iteration are like two strategies to figure out the best moves step by step.
    • Value iteration and policy iteration are iterative algorithms used to find optimal value functions and policies for finite-state MDPs.
    • Value iteration updates value estimates for each state iteratively, while policy iteration alternates between policy evaluation and policy improvement steps until convergence.
  2. Monte Carlo Methods:
    • Think of it like playing a game and trying different strategies to see which one gets you the most points. Monte Carlo methods use lots of trial and error to find the best way to play.
    • Estimates value functions by sampling system trajectories and averaging returns, suitable for problems with large state spaces.
    • Monte Carlo control methods combine estimation with policy improvement steps to iteratively enhance the policy until convergence.
  3. Temporal Difference Learning (TD Learning):
    • It’s like learning from your mistakes as you go. Q-learning and SARSA are methods where you adjust your strategies based on what works and what doesn’t, kind of like trial and error but with learning from experience.
    • Q-learning and SARSA are model-free RL algorithms.
    • Q-learning learns optimal action-value functions directly from experience, while SARSA estimates Q-values and updates them.
  4. Approximate Dynamic Programming:
    • Imagine you have a big problem to solve, but it’s too complicated to solve directly. Approximate dynamic programming is like finding a simpler way to solve it that’s still pretty accurate. It’s like using shortcuts to get to the answer faster.
    • Utilizes function approximation techniques like neural networks or linear function approximation to approximate value functions or policies.
    • It is useful for problems with large state spaces where exact solutions are computationally infeasible. Examples include deep Q-networks and policy gradient methods.
  5. Policy Gradient Methods:
    • It’s like trying to get better at a game by tweaking your strategy little by little. Policy gradient methods help you improve your strategies by making small adjustments based on how well they’re working.
    • Directly optimizes policy parameters to maximize expected cumulative rewards using gradient ascent.
    • Examples include REINFORCE, Proximal Policy Optimization, and Trust Region Policy Optimization.

Real-world Applications of Markov Decision Process

  1. Traveling Salesman Problems:
    • MDPs help the salesman decide the best routes to take, where the salesman is the agent, routes are actions, and costs are rewards. The goal is to find the optimal policy that minimizes overall trip costs.
  2. Managing Maintenance and Repair:
    • MDPs aid in deciding whether to perform maintenance tasks or replace components in dynamic systems that degrade over time.
  3. Designing Autonomous Machines:
    • MDPs, especially in reinforcement learning, train robots and autonomous vehicles to learn and execute tasks independently.
  4. Energy Management:
    • MDPs optimize energy generation, distribution, and consumption, considering factors like renewable sources and demand fluctuations. They’re also used to manage energy usage in buildings through systems like HVAC and lighting controls.
  5. Game Development:
    • In video games, MDPs model NPC decision-making to create intelligent behaviors. They’re also used to optimize strategies in various games by modeling game dynamics and finding the best decision-making policies


The Markov decision process provides a powerful framework to model and solve decision-making problems in uncertain and dynamic environments. A thorough understanding of the core components and algorithms associated with MDPs can help practitioners apply these concepts to a wide range of real-world problems, which span from AI to finance and beyond. It is used to determine the best course of action for dynamic systems while taking into account both their operating environment and condition at the time. MDP is frequently used in the design of intelligent systems and is an essential part of applications using reinforcement learning.

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